An Off-Week Alert

Just some housekeeping: my current plan is to send out an essay every other week (although I also find myself startlingly full of ideas and enthusiasm, so who knows. Maybe eventually more often!).
However, I'm sending out this short message on an off-week, because I've gotten a bunch of subscribers at or near launch (I'm really touched by the level of interest; thank you), but those of you who subscribed after the first installment (on 8/9) may not even know that I've even kicked off yet, because that edition wouldn't have been emailed to you. So if you want to read what you missed, you can see it at I don't want subscribers (many of whom were kind enough to kick me a tip) to think I'm resting on my nonexistent laurels! Thus you may see at least one more of these off-week reminders in future, and I'll start adding a footer to every edition to direct folks to the archive. I'm still learning!
To make up for the business stuff, here's some fun stuff. For a long time, primarily for my own amusement, I've drawn a series I call "FAMOUS MOVIE QUOTES," which...
You know what? No need for more set-up. You'll get it.

I've got a bunch of these, so I may drop more in the future, when I have to cut in with business. If you can't wait that long, they're all on my Instagram, @danmccoydraws, which is where most of my art ends up, except for the EXCLUSIVE comics I do for the newsletter (always be selling that added value)!
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you with a full edition next Friday.